Really interesting edition with a clash of global formlines. From the locals NICOLINI VITO (6) is seen as top pick off the C&D win last time. Margin to Biometric was narrow but the time was good and he can get a cheap run stalking a strong pace. PAL D'ORO (8) and CORNER POCKET (3) are that pace. Pal D'oro has come back a better horse this time and beat Niccolini Vito at Pakenham which has to be respected. Corner Pocket was behind him last time but honest as ever. Big interest in SUBCONSCIOUS (1) down from the US where he is a G2 winner and G1 placed. CATCH TWENTYTWO (5) comes from South Africa where he was three times placed at the top level, in and amongst the best horses over there. Both can claim strong chances if they can turn up here in anything like their best form. Betting can be interesting around both.